Sunday Summary 002


Old photo as I look tragic today!

This week has been pretty insane, a last minute trip to London & meeting Gok Wan, who would have thought!

I've loved being at home & seeing everybody, back in Leeds today & I dislike it already. Funny how alone you can feel in a flat full of people.

On Friday, my friends & I went on Chatroulette for the first time. Funniest thing ever! There are some right creepers out there.

Uni starts again tomorrow, not sure how I feel about it but I do know I'm not excited.

I think it's time to aboard the TeamBBJ train. January was a wash out but I'm sick of being an emotionally drained emo mess. Time to get my life sorted I think!

5 to read: one two three four five

I'm looking forward to Plus London this weekend, nervous about meeting everybody though!

How was your week?


  1. chatroulette is insane! hahahahaha! i luv it! you look gorgeous as usual :)

  2. not sure about my week but my weekend was insanely good!

    i'm so excited for plus london! but like you i'm totally nervvy too! xx

  3. Really wish I could come to the PlusLondon event but I have work!
    Hope you have a great time, all the sponsors sound fab. Planned what you are going to wear?

  4. You look so gorgeous in the photo above! :-)

  5. My thoughts on Plus London? Sad because I won't be there. Boo hoo!

  6. Oh, gosh, I thought Chatroulette was dead! I've been on it a couple of times and it was hilarious and creepy at the same time. I'll have to try it again!

  7. Thanks for the link love. :)

    I went on chat roulette with my friends not so long ago, maaannn. I saw more cocks than I have had hot dinners. Lol, sorry.

    I'm going to investigate team BBJ, I'm very curious! xxx

  8. hehe how crazy that you met gok wan! thankyou so much for the link xxxxxx

  9. I think we all are nervous for PlusLondon. But I think it's going to be fun. I hope I can at least give everyone a hand shake *finger-crossed*

  10. You have met Gok Wan?!!

    To be on his show, or just watching from the sidelines?
