Apparently I fail miserably at keeping up with a weekly blogger feature
♥ After a disastrous shopping trip searching for swimwear, I went swimming for the first time in years on Friday. It wasn't half as terrifying as I was expecting although I seem to have forgotten how to swim properly...
♥ I've been debating about whether or not to delete my Facebook for the longest time. Too many people I don't give a crap about & too many I care too much about. I decided to make a new one instead & it feels so much better logging in & not being inundated with rubbish. Anyone else had a social networking cleanse?
♥ I finally got a job. It's admittedly tragic but I'm just happy for the chance to gain some experience & money! I start Tuesday, wish me luck?
♥ I managed to catch another #bbloggers chat tonight & it reminded me how I need to up my blogging game. My posts have dwindled down recently & it's becoming ridiculous, I promise to blog more!
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