Sunday Summary 017

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Clearly I find myself hilarious.

This week has been the ultimate in tragic. I had to cover a girls holiday at work so have been in 6 days this week & if you could see where I worked, you'd know why this is such an awful task.

Although ASOS has helped me out some what, I still have the majority of my holiday shopping to do & thanks to my extra shifts my only free day to shop is tomorrow. I'll be raiding all the shops & sales recommended, fingers crossed there's still stuff left! With the influx of A/W wear, at this rate I'll be taking scarves & boots on holiday...

I'm still battling my way through blog posts (I know, I know, I'm a blogger failure ;) & coming across everyone's holiday snaps is making me envious! I need a girly holiday.

I finally reached my 2 stone on Weight Watchers. Thank you for all the well wishes & encouragement in regards to my weight loss. I know I ramble on about it far too much but trying to become the person I want to be is taking over my life (in a good way!).

I've done absolutely nothing of interest this week as is evident in this utter crap post! Here's to hoping you've had a more exciting week!

Have an amazing week! :)


  1. Wow congrats on the weight lost, you have done so so well!

  2. AWWWWH THAT PHOTO IM DYING ITS TOO CUTE I CANT EVEN. AHHHH. congrats on the weight loss babes!xxx

  3. Congrats on your weight loss hun, your doing a great job with it! :) x

  4. Also looking gorgeous in that picture! x

  5. Love the pic x

    Two more working days then we are off to France, YEAH!!

    Happy shopping tomorrow (don't forget mummy who loves you very much ;-) x).

    You forgot to mention our amazing zumba class on Thursday.


  6. I am loving the picture Steph! Sums you up perfectly- happy and beautiful! x

  7. Hi Steph! That is amazing news on the weight loss! Well done! I am attempting to get fit and loose weight at the moment so I know how hard it is to keep going xx

  8. Congrats on your weight loss, that's awesome. It's like everybody is trying to get healthier! & hopefully next week will be a lot better.

  9. Aww I love this photo of you! Congratulations on your weight loss, that's amazing and you're looking stunning. Hope this week's a bit more exciting for you :) x

  10. I cannot help but smile back at that photo of you! Congrats on your two stone! x

  11. Woah! Two stone is AMAZING!! Congratulations!! :)

  12. Congrats on the weight loss! :)


  13. Well done on your weight loss and get packing your holiday clothes! xx

  14. Congrads on the weight lost! LOVE that dress! I wish there were dresses like that in shops were i live....i live in california and i can never find dresses like that :( booo..

  15. Also looking gorgeous in that picture! x
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  16. Well done you!!!
    I am quite behind on my blogroll too :( So by the time you read this comment you will be off on your holls! I hope you have a fantastic time!
