30 Days Tag: Day 16 - A Song That Makes You Cry

Okay, so technically I'm not on Day 16 but I didn't really have anything for the other days and I've been without internet for the weekend so am already behind enough! Excuses aside and on to the tag...

I cry at most things, I used to be one of those stone-faced people that didn't cry at anything and now even adverts have me welling up. Always one to dramatise, it's probably no surprise that I have a playlist entitled 'Sad Songs' which is filled with emotionally charged tunes from a variety of genres, including the songs from Day 1.

There's about 400 songs within the playlist but to save your ears, I randomly chose 5 ;)

Family Business - Kanye West

Faster The Chase - InMe

The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows - Brand New

Stand By Me - Ben E. King

Stop And Stare - One Republic


  1. If you want a song to make you cry try this
    Josh Groban - To where you are
    We played it at my Granddads Funeral a few weeks ago and I can't listen to it anymore
    Sarah xx

  2. Sorry to hear about your Grandad bb <3, I do like a bit of Josh.
